Next Welland Big Quiz – Saturday 12th October
Next Welland Big Quiz will be happening on Saturday 12th October at 7:30pm at the Parish Hall. Buy your tickets in advance, but don't delay - the last quiz sold out!
Published: 20 September 2024

Calling all ardent quizzers! June’s first ever Welland quiz organised by the parish council was such a big success that we promised to host at least one more this year.
So, the great news is that there will be an autumn quiz on Saturday, 12th October, with doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start at the Welland village hall.
Around 84 people attended in June and had a lot of fun as well as helping to raise £356 for St Richard’s Hospice. October’s format will be slightly different but the aim is the same – to have fun, socialise and raise funds for a local charity.

Welland’s Community Development Coordinator Barbara Stephens presents a cheque to St Richard’s Hospice Jodi Brandwood. Funds were raised from June’s Welland’s Big Quiz.
Our Autumn quiz host will be Welland’s very own John Martin who will base his questions and format on a TV gameshow and he promises that the emphasis will be on “fun” so not too many head scratchers! Also, there will be two types of ticket – £5 for your quiz entry or £10 if you’d like to have a light supper. The supper will be provided courtesy of Malvern’s Cold Chef caterers and will consist of a filled roll, quiche, sausage roll and a delicious sweet tray bake. If you are vegetarian, please buy a veggie ticket so that we can cater for you.
As before, you can bring your own drinks and there will be nibbles provided on each table. If you are just purchasing the £5 ticket option, please don’t bring your own food as the evening is all about raising funds for our Welland pre-school which has been providing a much-valued service to parents of very young children since 1971 and will be extremely grateful for the monies raised.
You can form teams of up to six people or if you are solo or a couple, no problem as we will seat you with a friendly table of folks. Tickets are now on sale at Welland village stores or online at Ticket Source.
We will also be holding a raffle with lots of great prizes and if you have an item that you’d like to donate please bring it along on the evening. Chocolates, drinks and toiletries are very popular. If June’s event is anything to go by tickets will sell very quickly so get yours now!