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Council Business

Proposals for improvements to outdoor space in Welland

The parish council are seeking feedback on two proposed upgrades to outdoor space in Welland, one to add play equipment at Blanford Close and one to add a pump track on Spitalfields. There is a public consultation on Monday 24th February 3-7pm at the Parish Hall.

Published: 4 February 2025

The parish council is proceeding to public consultation on two suggested projects to improve our outdoor spaces. We would like to hear from residents for their opinions – whether this be questions, considerations, concerns or voices of support. We would like to invite you to a public consultation in the Parish Hall on Monday 24th February between 3-7pm (drop in session) where there will be an opportunity to look at some example designs and speak to parish councillors about the proposals. 

If you have any feedback but are unable to attend then please  email:  

Proposal: Upgrading and adding equipment to existing children’s play area on Blandford Close 

This area is already a designated ‘children’s play area’ but at the moment it is an area of bare tarmac. The proposal involves adding play equipment such as a roundabout, swing, playground markings, obstacle course etc to upgrade this area and make it more appealing for children. These photos are examples of proposed layouts – details to be finalised if this project goes ahead. 

For those at the end of Giffard Drive, the walk to the playground in the centre of the village is around 1km, and we feel that having a closer play space would benefit the people who live nearby. It would also provide an opportunity to offer additional equipment that we don’t have space for in the existing playground, such as an accessible roundabout.

Proposed designs for Blanford Close play area including wooden pirate ship boat for imaginative play, wheelchair accessible roundabout and floor markings including hopscotch.

Proposed play area designs for Blandford close including a wooden tipi and obstacle course.

Proposed play area designs for Blanfrod Close including a swing, wheelchair accessible roundabout and floor markings including hopscotch.

Proposal: Addition of a pump track to the end of Spitalfields

The parish council have been approached in the past by local children requesting a pump track, and it is one of the proposed community development projects in our neighbourhood plan. We are now in a position to take this forward. 

A pump track is a recreational cycle track designed for push or pedal bikes. It would provide additional local recreational facilities for children, encouraging outdoor play and physical activity. 

Proposed location for pumptrack at end of Spitalfields

Proposed layout for Spitalfields pumptrack - artist rendered

Girl on a bike on a pump track

Children on scooters and bikes on pump track

What is S106 funding?

When new developments occur around an area, the council can apply for something called an S106 funding agreement – money provided by the developer specifically for the purpose of enhancing the open spaces in the village. This funding comes with project eligibility criteria, and if not used can ultimately be reclaimed by the housing developer. In the past, the Parish Council have used this funding to purchase the Community Orchard, build the Playpark and the Outdoor gym, and add outdoor sports facilities such as the table tennis table and basketball court to Spitalfields. We are currently finalising an agreement to use some for the purpose of footpath improvement projects around Welland. The proposed projects above would be funded through S106 monies. 

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