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Atlas Tower Group - proposed mast locations

Please see first 2 gallery photos for proposed Atlas phone signal mast location.

Local interest

If you are interested in finding out more about the history of Welland, visit the Welland History Group website.

This gallery contains photos of Little Malvern and Welland, showing some of the highlights of our beautiful parishes. If you have any photos that you would like to be added to the gallery, please email these to our Clerk or to Rachel Sampson.


Thank you to Alex Pinnegar for this awesome drone footage of Welland:

Drone footage over Welland, with thanks to Alex Pinnegar.

With thanks to Alex Pinnegar


We are very grateful to one of our knowledgeable and observant local biodiversity volunteers for bringing to our attention the spectacular array of fungi, including some rare species of waxcaps, that appear every year in the cemetery. It seems we have a very rich and special asset in our midst. If you are visiting the cemetery please tread carefully and do not remove any of the fungi or other plants.

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